Everybody working the road needs a good flashlight – even the officers on day watch. I’ve always said that having a small flashlight on your belt is critical for ensuring that you always have a light no matter where you are, and that you have a backup to the larger light you might normally hop out of your car with at night. The Streamlight Strion LED HL is a great flashlight for just this need.
HL stands for “high lumen” and this light has a lot of them: 500. Equally critical is that it has a relatively low (for tactical lights) candela measurement of 10,000 candela. This means the light throws a bright, wide pattern making it great for doing building searches. With each click of the light, you get a clear view of a wide area, instead of just a narrow slice.
Click here to read my full Streamlight Strion LED HL review at GunsHolstersAndGear.com