Currently, there are (among others) two trends in law enforcement: the widespread deployment of X2 and X26 TASERs, and replacing shotguns with AR-15 style rifles. The folks at TASER International, Inc. saw an opportunity in these two trends and have developed the TASER XREP.
What is the XREP? XREP stands for eXtended Range Electronic Projectile. In a nutshell, the XREP is a 12-gauge shotgun round with a X26 loaded inside. Launched from a standard 12-gauge shotgun, the XREP is a fin stabilized projectile moving at about 300 feet per second. Effective range? Up to 100 feet, or about four times the distance of the X26 cartridge most of us are carrying.

On impact, the XREP delivers the same NMI pulse the X26 delivers. The discharge lasts 20 seconds, which gives officers plenty of time to cover the distance to the suspect, and take him into custody.
The TASER XREP will be in field tests for 6-12 months starting this fall. I imagine by next summer we will know when this little gem will be on the market.
Police officers everywhere will testify to the effectiveness of the TASER. If the XREP delivers as advertised, I imagine they will have another winner on their hands, and an effective tool in ours.
Taser pulled the plug on this project. While I do not have any definite reasons from official sources, a number of people told me that their departments were having problems cost justifying the investment in this technology.
While I think the Taser option was a superior solution to alternative impact munitions, it is tough to put it up against a standard bean bag round and get the bean counters to sign off on it. Such is the reality of being a budget – not service – driven police agency. Too bad as this unit offered some real promise for improving the safety of both officers and suspects.
Of course, there are some that do not like using shotguns to deploy less lethal munitions. This is understandable considering past incidents of weapon confusion in the past. Also, keep in mind that while using a TASER is great for preserving the life of a suspect, it is not an alternative to deadly force.
TASER International is also a strong proponent of citizens using their products for self-defense. One of the newest tools is the TASER Pulse that debuted at the 2016 SHOT Show.